Truth About You

LOVEYou are a great leader, you are beautiful, and you are rare. You love your neighbor, you deserve better, and you need one another. In fact I need you. I miss you, I think of you all the time. You are richer than your wildest dream. Your wealth will last forever. People say wonderful things about you. You can do anything you want. Greater is he/she who is in the world and not of it. You are the best person I know for the job. You put your Higher Power, home and environment above all else. Don’t wait on anyone else too help you live out this wonderful existence. Start Today!!!! Grant forgiveness to those who offend. Grant life, and mercy to those willing to show effort to be tolerant of difference. This is you, this is me. Stop destroying the villages, neighborhoods, cities, towns, and countries we live in. Our children and families live here, and there. What do we gain if we destroy what we fight for in the mist of battle. We assume we fight for freedom, when we demolish the very thing we love. We are better than that. YOU!!! are better than that. I love you. This is why I write. To speak to you in your spare time, in my spare time, in your private space, in your time of confusion, and in your time of struggle. Thank you for listening.

Love & Health

Marc Well


The Brain.. The Harddrive Creating You

brainnnnyAs we arrive on this plane from the womb, and other ways soon to come. We are absorbing everything around us. In fact it starts even before, well before. We start collecting data. We start gathering info from our eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and skin. This makes up an experience in which we file. With most of these experiences making up our character. So you are created ready to receive. Here I go popping out with people around giving me data like Hi your name is Marc, we live here, we come from here, we believe this, we do this, we don’t like this, and we don’t accept that. As the brain stores all this info and files it we absorb these files into our constantly developing soul. We express this soul by use of our personality; the visible aspect of one’s character as it impresses others... So I went all the way around this mountain to say. Learn to fact check new ideas, and beliefs before you absorb them into your soul and express them outwardly to the world around you. As some experiences are force fed, but them too have a safe and healthy place to be filed. I Love You!!!

Love & Health

Marc Well


Politicians by Definition

politicsPolitician is a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles. Now why are we surprised at the actual results or lack there of with this profession? If the definition of this is as such why are we so surprised? We live In a society were we even let relatives run things. Not because of merit or effort but because of their name, and relationships. Does being the wife of a politician automatically grant leadership characteristics? Does being the brother of past politicians warrant our trust, or turning over the keys to our families future. because you are a politician…does this mean that you will listen to us, do as we ask, represent us and our desires? No..there is nothing in this definition that describes in anyway these characteristics. Another definition for politician is….a person who is experienced or skilled in the art or science of politics, government, or administration; statesman. There is nothing about serving, or integrity involved in those words. This means there is no reason to trust ,elect, or believe them from their work. I didn’t make this up. This definition is visible for all to see. We are all responsible for wiping them and flushing behind them. We must assert ourselves, or there will be consequences…we are already suffering from this. We can catch them in a lie, we can catch them being hypocrites, we can watch them steal our money, we can watch them manipulate the market, but we cant tolerate our neighbor. We cant accept skin color, gender, or class. This is interesting. Another obviously destructive behavior.

Love & Health

Marc Well 


Spiritual but not Religious

Good evening all. Today I would like to clarify the meaning of religion, and the root to a loss of momentum in the right direction. Religion: any formal or institutionalized expression of such belief. Today I would like to dig into the wound of society. Are we better off religious or spiritual. Religion for years has been the cause of wars, division, strife, confusion, and last but not least….death, and destruction of whole bloodlines. How can one be so in love with attending a meeting that plans, and divides our society with hateful tactics against our neighbors. I once visited a small town of 1200 people that had 52 churches and temples in their town all using the same book to teach from mostly all related people to, and very closed mined about society..This was a very low income area, and churches lined the streets. What could be so different about us that we would require so many institutions to speak from one book. When has a religious person ever spoke to their neighbor, and not down to their neighbor? if they all have to be lost. How can the God we claim as our father show biasness, division , and more love for one group? The fact is religion is not the answer to a independent relationship with our higher power or inner self. Can one become strengthen from being religious? Yes group support by our very nature builds some level of confidence, strength, and motivation even street gangs have showed us this. What happens when the we are better, they are lost attitude steps in? What happens when the same issues persist? This is when we leave one church or temple to worship at another, and another. The very nature of religion is division. The God we speak of is a inward outward thing. Everything you and I need is within us, and our neighbor Gen 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.. The  bridge between the natural and the spiritual are crossed by understanding our difference, and accepting safely what you cannot understand. Fact is if you are tied up in a religious war, confused about our existence, or sitting in a pew dividing yourself from the rest of the world. Then you are feeding the problem. The nature of humanity is to grow into this vessel we live in. To coordinate our flesh and spiritual to better work for our future. How does religion help us do this. The same wars are still raging on by the devout ones who not only want to make everyone what they are, but will also take up arms in pursuit of this agenda. With serious violence. This is not good for our future. Humanity is crying out. Spirituality is relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical nature or matter; intangible. If we want to see our full potential.  Focus on ourselves. Motivate one another, encourage growth, and support a more inward outward approach to betterment. Fact Jesus was not a catholic or a Christian, he wasn’t Baptist or Pentecostal. Muhammad was not a Muslim …It didn’t exist. These are all institutions that sprang up in their name. Society again are getting themselves caught up in the messengers, and missing the message. Jesus traveled and taught (no temple), and for the record the men traveling with him we can prove carried swords…now does that sound like a peaceful protest to you. I challenge everyone reading this to look inward for answers to problems first before looking at our neighbor. Focus less on religious beliefs than spiritual growth. Remember if we focus on bettering ourselves the whole world will change…Lets stop fighting other peoples battles, and win some of our own.

Love & Health

Marc Well


Pressure Burst Pipes


Society is ready to burst at the weakest points. Big government taking on small task. Ant hills turn into mountains. Stop this, don’t say that, and give me all you have, and you keep the scraps. This is the reason for such pressure to build in the first place. How can society believe in a Higher Power that says come at your own free will, when they are being micromanaged by our own lower forms. It cant work that way. We must act appropriately on our own. We must not feel like we are being force fed religion, politics, racism, and violence by a greedy, corrupted, and selfishly motivated worldly power. When we elect leaders and they are caught lying to the electors…they should be held accountable, and answer to a panel of their peers. We must constantly remind them that we can speak for ourselves, and we didn’t choose them because they were better than us. If you elect a corporate man to be the speaker, he/she will then speak for corporations. This is all they know. We need to elect common people to answer to common problems. If you want an apple pie, don’t use peaches. Find the best apples you can find, and prepare for a great taste. If we continue in this path we will all loose. If we ignore this problem, how can we say we love our child, ourselves, or our community. If there is a race war, there will be no winner. If we play into this political game. There will be severe consequences. Just because you own 40 guns, doesn’t mean you can shoot them all at one time with only 2 arms. I have never seen anyone win a gun fight with a knife. Nor a WMD fight with small arms. Fact.. we don’t have to take up arms to win this. It can be won by refusing to take up arms, and force a change. If we can prove a dishonest act from our leaders, why allow them to stay. Religion has only help to muddy this water. If you are among the wealthy, healthy, and rich. It says A lot about you if you know a person in struggle. If you are a religious leader, and you are wealthier than your brokest member. You are wrong. If you become a political beacon, you shouldn’t be getting rich in there, you shouldn’t be paid anymore than you brokest voter. This assures honest effort, and balance. This is how we open our hearts correctly to a brighter future, and supreme spiritual health. Manipulation of press, insider trading, deception through policy has caused this mess. We live in a time when we give our hard earned money to entertainers, and politicians, and they use your money to hide from you, and wave their fortune in our face. Big companies control medications like drug dealers. Pay huge dollars they earn off us to manipulate policy. Why have we allowed our self esteem to fall so low like this, that we believe we need a master here made of flesh. The pressure is building and we feel we are to inferior to speak up about our unhappiness. Till we break. This is called passive for some, and passive aggressive behavior for others. If we are not assertive. Don’t say we didn’t see the signs. The pipes are whistling right now.

Marc Well


What’s Next

For the last 2000 years we have progressed toward a brighter future technologically, but in the process we have also managed to find ways to continue to render our friends, family, neighbor’s, and competition dependent, and unconnected to our innermost pure source of light. We refuse to teach our children about the importance of proper attitude towards each other, the environment, and ourselves. As the garden of life dies out. We begin to believe that life is about plotting, taking, and keeping. We start to believe that we own people, places, and things. We force others, and nature to give up the natural instinct to survive. We claim to own things and we take no responsibility for its outcome. How do we remedy this over the next 2000 years? How do we stop these insecurities about our world having its own force, its own mind? Its so hard to train up a child, invest everything into them, and then give them up to the obvious truth that they are not yours, or mine. They have their own choices, and their own destiny to live out. So many of us live our life without purpose. Never finding out our purpose, and moving without passion. I always say, ” You can die because, or die for a cause either way we have to go”. We are reprogramming everything around us to respond in a predictable, and shallow way. I’m constantly reminded of the Roman times when the games, and theater taught us how to act, and live. With no need to harness our instincts, nor live out a passionate existence. Greater is he/she that is in the world, and not of it. What does this mean to you? I will tell you what is required to live out another 2000 years. A fulfilling life, You can live for a cause or you can die because(illness accidents and such). Learn your natural talents, and use these gifts to tear down walls, and boundaries. As far as religion goes im constantly reminded of the expression of the big difference in an expert, and a professional. An expert is: a person who has a special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority; A professional: following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain. Careful with the 2 different teachers. Very few are good at both, and one is more likely to mislead you than the other. We need them to teach less dependence, and codependence. We must call out the frauds and bring them to justice immediately without stifling the ones with potential. That’s not what past spiritual examples taught, that’s what the institutions built around their lives on this plane seem to be trying to convince us of. Learning to grow foods, herbs, and respect the relationship we have with trees more, remember it is a even exchange. Become more modest with space, and our living arrangements. Protect our water ways, and water needs more. We are mostly made up of water. It is a vital resource, and another, but not the last is live in peace. We have to respect each others space and needs. This is not all of them but just a beginning of a brighter future.

Love & Health

Marc Well  


Together We Stand Divided We Will Fall

Solomon once said. “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor”. He also said,” Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken”. These are crucial words to explain what is required to advanced to the next level of growth for humanity. I personally would not be comfortable with seeing someone with the intent on being an individual without the concern of others rule this next millennium. This planet is over populating very fast. As water demands its space. We look out across the universe in suspense. Wondering if our place is out there, or do we stay here and eliminate our neighbor. Do we arm ourselves against the inevitable. Humanity seems to think that together is not a option. We say, and do things to each other with the intent to do long term damage. Never considering the fact that we need each other to lighten the work load. Why break a bond with a neighbor we have to live by everyday. This causes all kinds of awkwardness. We distinguish ourselves from one another by skin color, when the sun just doesn’t shine with the same strength in all locations. Since the colors of our skin is still constantly evolving. Why speak so hastily about what colors we don’t like., then start to plan their demise. You might mess around and curse one of your own future grandchildren. As we awaken daily to our war torn existence, we realize that we have not even began our bright future. We have let down our families, our community, and destiny. I like to sit in the company of chickens,  goats and such to truly learn about ours basic instincts. I watch the black chickens move around with the black chickens, then the white chickens with the white. Even the mixed chickens with the mixed. A ask myself is this the intent of the universe, or are we completely forgetting that we are the higher being in this food chain. The fact is our future deserves better, and such a diversity of colors brings with it certain talents because of their adapted skills. This is what is required to advance the human race into  this new millennium, or we subject ourselves to a natural phasing out of many bloodlines by using strong prejudices in our choices of mates, which limits our option each generation.

Love & Health

Marc Well  
